Montag, 22. Mai 2017

The final Erasmus+ meeting at Goethegymnasium was a great success!

The final Erasmus+ meeting at Goethegymnasium was a great success. Though it marks the final stage of our project phase, participants enjoyed their last meeting and the fruitful discussions, workshops and presentations on our topic "bullying".

Click here to see pictures of our meeting at Goethegymnasium Hildesheim and see also the HiAZ newspaper article on our workshop meeting, published on 19th May 2017 in Hildesheimer Allgemeine, page 13:

Sonntag, 14. Mai 2017

Goethegymnasium is ready to welcome our European friends this week

Programme: Project meeting Hildesheim - 15th to 19th May "The role of teachers to combat Bullying"

TUE 16.5.

WED 17.5.

THU 18.5.

8:00 pick up at hotel lobby

8:30 tour of our school by students

9:25 welcome by teachers

9:45-11:20 observation of lessons

8:30 pick up at hotel lobby

9:00 Workshop ca. 2h: "Bullying: The role of teachers" (SPI Berlin)

8:30 pick up at hotel lobby

9:00 preparation of the final report

11-13:00 canoeing ca. 2h

12:45 lunch at school canteen

14:00 Working on the topic isolation

12:45 lunch at school canteen

14:00 University of Hildesheim - tour and presentation  "teacher education in Germany" (Dr. Buchhester, Mrs. Pulm)

13:30 lunch at Noah restaurant

14:30 Working on the topic isolation

16:00 pick up at hotel lobby

16:30 guided city tour, meeting point at cathedral foyer

16:15 Hildesheim university's cultural campus (and school museum)  (Mr. Dr. Ebert),

17:00 Domäne Café - typical German coffee and cake

18:00 Serenade on the yard (dissemination and closing event)